The Voice of Reason

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 1:18-19 KJV

18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

We (ihlcc) are still sharing on the subject of hearing “a voice” and discerning the source of the “voice”. In a prior lesson we spoke about recognizing “A Shift” in the tone and/or rate of words coming from the voice of the speaker to discern exactly when God is speaking. In another lesson we highlighted “The Voice” of God which is the voice of God’s Word. Since we know that His Voice is upholding all things by the Word of His Power it is critical that we hearken (listen and obey) unto God’s Voice. We also taught on “Your Voice” revealing two things. The first was that God learns about you from hearing your voice and the second is the truth that your voice is your authority in this earth. Today, we will discuss “the voice of reason” because there has been some confusion about “reasoning” that we wish to clear up. First there are two types of “reasoning”. One is known as being carnal minded which produces carnal “reasoning”. In Romans 8:5-7 KJV it states: “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” This scripture implies that being too physical minded can work against God’s Holy Spirit of life and peace. “Carnal reasoning” tries to put natural answers to spiritual problem. It points to man solving his own problems because he doesn’t accept the Word of God as the (his) final authority. Yes, the carnal mind does not like to include God in its thinking therefore it chooses to ignore God altogether. This carnal (natural) mindedness produces all sort of erroneous information to lead people away from God instead of to (towards) Him. The carnal mind doesn’t understand the things of the spirit so it’s only option is to “reason” away all things that it doesn’t understand and reject spiritual truth that present themselves to it. If the “voice of carnal reasoning” is contrary to God’s Word it should be cast down according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. This means that all “reasoning” based upon the sinking sand of men is like quick sand that drowns men when they try to stand upon it. On the contrary we see a different type of “reasoning” with God. Our Precious Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ and our Holy Heavenly Father God are both very intelligent. They are of an extremely high IQ (Intelligence quotient) such that they can speak way above any man or woman on this earth but God the Father sent His Precious Son Jesus down to the earth to speak on our very own level. God created your mind with “reasoning” and the Good Lord placed within us the mind of Christ according to 1 Corinthians 2:16 so He (The Lord) is the perfect One to talk to about any problem or decision we are facing. At one time we (ihlcc) heard that God doesn’t talk using “reasoning” because His thoughts are so much higher than ours but we (ihlcc) have found that teaching to be untrue (false). In fact the Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ has always spoken very plainly to us, so that we do understand exactly what He is saying. Yes, the Lord doesn’t seem to ever use “carnal reasoning” with us but “reasons” of peace, understanding and light are always open for God and man (us). Yes, there may be times when we need to spend some extra time with Him to clearly understand His intentions but without fail His Holy Precious Word comes to us for deliverance and/or understanding (knowledge and reason). Yes, God has “reasoned” with us during times of training just like He did with His disciplines when He walked the earth and talked with them. We have found it quite common for the Lord to come to us asking questions that initiates some form of “reasoning”. We notice in today’s reference scripture that The Lord is giving us a good “reason” to obey His Word because when we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land. If we “reason (rational)” according to His Holy Word the Lord is perfectly fine with that. Yes, many times He shows us that we already have the answer from God in our heart but we just didn’t realize that it applies directly to our situation. The Good Lord is very kind and gracious, so don’t think for one moment that you can never question God (or reason with Him) because the truth is you can “reason” with God about understanding His Ways or His Word just as long as your “reasoning” is based upon God’s Word and His Love as opposed to carnal thoughts built upon “natural reasoning”. So know with all certainty that “spiritual reasoning” according to God’s Word is expected in the Kingdom of God because it is always good to know what you are talking about and have a certain level of understanding of God to grow in Christ Jesus. On the contrary, if you don’t believe in the spiritual realm beyond what you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch you will be governed by “carnal reasoning” which will be very difficult to communicate with God. For those who come to God must believe that He Is and He Is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Now that you know that there are two types of “reasonings” be sure to listen to “the godly voice of reasoning” according to God’s Word of truth and ignore or cast down all “carnal reasoning” that rations from the physical perspective instead of God’s spiritual Heart. Amen!